Certification_of_Service.docx Form: Certification of Service 8-1-16.pdfCategory: Mandatory FormsRelated Local Rule: D.N.J. LBR 2002-1 Certification of Service; Change of AddressD.N.J. LBR 3011-1 Unclaimed Funds in Cases Under Chapter 7, Subchapter V of Chapter 11, Chapter 12 or Chapter 13D.N.J. LBR 3015-1. Filing and Service of a Chapter 13 Plan and MotionsD.N.J. LBR 3015-2. Modified Chapter 13 Plan and MotionsD.N.J. LBR 4001-4. Status of Automatic StayD.N.J. LBR 9013-1. Motions: FormD.N.J. LBR 9024-1. Vacating Dismissal of CaseD.N.J. LBR 9027-1 RemovalRevision Date: Sunday, August 2, 2020