This website provides up-to-date procedural and logistical information regarding the bankruptcy case of Cyxtera Techologies, Inc.. Please refer to this website before contacting Chambers. If you need to contact chambers, please send an email (rather than calling) to
Click the following links for more information:
- Hearing Dates - for a list of upcoming hearing dates and times
- Case and Docket Information - for access to the Cyxtera Technologies, Inc.'s bankruptcy docket and case information
- Transcripts - for information on how to order transcripts
- Appearances - for information on how to make appearances if you are participating in the hearing (either in-person or via zoom), as well as information regarding pro hac vice applications
- Courthouse Protocol - for information regarding requirments to visit the Courthouse
- Media Inquiries - for the Court's established email address for media inquiries
- Zoom - for zoom information regarding the next upcoming hearing
Please note that laptops are allowed in the courtroom.
Unless noted otherwise, all hearings will be conducted live and via Zoom.
Use the following link to access the bankruptcy docket and find information about the case:
To order a transcript of a court proceeding, please contact the Electronic Court Recording Operator for Judge Sherwood:
Maria ("Flory") Figueira
(973) 776-3413
Unless otherwise instructed, appearances may be made in-person, consistent with Court protocol, or via an email to chambers (for participants on Zoom). Please be advised that appearances need only be made if parties intend to present argument and/or speak during hearings.
In-Person Appearances
Judge Sherwood's Courtroom is located on the third floor in Courtroom 3D. Appearance sheets are available in Courtroom and should be handed to the Electronic Court Recording Operator, Maria ("Flory") Figueria, prior to the start of the hearing.
Remote/Virtual Appearances for Individuals Who Wish to Participate in Hearing via Zoom
To the extent parties or attorneys wish to attend a hearing remotely via Zoom and want to participate in the hearing, a request for "Participant Status" must be submitted to the Court in advance of the hearing. Please email Chambers ( and provide the following information:
(1) name of Participant;
(2) Participant's firm or organization;
(3) Participant's email address and phone number;
(4) Participant's connection with the case and/or what party or Interest the Participant represents.
Chambers will confirm receipt of your email.
PLEASE REVIEW THE ZOOM APPEARANCE GUIDELINES BELOW. Failure to adhere to these guidelines and an appropriate standard of conduct may result in denial of participation in the Zoom proceeding.
Zoom is a free video conferencing platform that a party may download and become familiar with prior to the hearing. Information for Zoom may be found at and Please ensure that your computer/device settings allow for video and microphone access so that Judge Sherwood may hear and see you. To appear via Zoom parties may click on the Zoom link below or use a telephone to dial-in using the dial-in information. Once connected to Zoom the party will enter the virtual Zoom Courtroom. Please connect to Zoom at least 15 minutes prior to your hearing.
Be Recognizable by your Name (not phone number) when appearing via Zoom. Please make certain, when you log into zoom via a phone, that your first and last name (and firm as well as party affiliation, if applicable) are identified.
Courtroom Behavior. Although held remotely, a Zoom hearing or trial is a judicial proceeding and therefore the formalities of a courtroom must be observed. Parties are expected to conduct themselves in the same way that they would if they were in person in the courtroom. This includes appropriate formality and attire.
“Public Proceedings.” Please be reminded that the Zoom proceeding is a “public proceeding” and the Zoom connection information is publicly available on the Court’s website. Thus, any party interested may “listen in” to the Zoom proceeding. Parties who “listen in” must have their cameras off and their microphones muted at all times. Failure to adhere to this rule will result in removal from the Zoom proceeding.
Video/Audio. All video and audio will be off upon entry into the Zoom courtroom. The Court requests that each party remain muted with camera off until such time as their matter is called or until the Court directs otherwise. The Court prefers that parties appear with their video on; however, video is not mandatory. If necessary, parties may appear without video and/or may appear telephonically by dialing into the Zoom using the dial-in information. Links to the Zoom meeting and dial-in information can be found below.
Speaking and Questions. Each time you speak, please identify yourself by stating your full name for the record. Remember to speak slowly and distinctly. Do not interrupt others. As stated above, please remain muted until your case is called or directed otherwise by the Court. Should you have a question during the Zoom proceeding you may direct that question in the “Chat” or “raise your hand” by clicking the hand raise button. If you are participating telephonically, please wait for a pause in conversation before identifying yourself to ask a question.
Participate from a quiet place with reliable reception. Do not use a speaker phone or call/log in from a public place. Disruptions or background noise may cause the Judge to mute you or terminate your participation.
Technical Problems. If you are having trouble with the video or audio or other technical difficulties, please let the Court know as soon as possible. Though glitches are expected, they do not always occur on the Court’s end, so the Court will not necessarily know if you are experiencing problems until you so advise the Court. To report these problems you may use the “chat” feature, the “raise hand” feature, email Chambers at, or call Chambers at (973) 645-4693.
Pro Hac Vice Applications
Attorneys should file pro hac vice motions in New Jersey only if they intend to make an appearance on the record. To the extent an attorney plans to simply attend/observe (and not officially “make an appearance” or present argument), no pro hac vice motion is necessary. Please consult: New Jersey Court Rule 1:28-2, D.N.J. L.Civ. R. 101.1 and D.N.J. L.Civ. R. 101(c)(3).
With regard to COVID-19, please take note of District Court Standing Order 2023-02, which recognized that the national emergency that was declared in response to the outbreak of COVID-19 was terminated. The Standing Order is available on the website for the District Court of New Jersey under the tab for COVID-19.
The wearing of face coverings or masks is no longer required of persons seeking entry to or occupying the public areas of Court facilities within the District of New Jersey. Although masks are not required, all persons are permitted and encouraged to wear a face covering or a mask if they so choose.
Please submit media inquiries via email to the following address:
IMPORTANT: Hearing Recording Prohibited
Any recording of a court proceeding held by video or teleconference, including "screen-shots" or other audio or visual copying of a hearing, is prohibited. Violation of these prohibitions may result in sanctions, including removal of court-issued media credentials, restricted entry to future hearings, denial of entry to future hearings, or any other sanctions deemed necessary by the Court.