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Court Locations

Street Address: 

U.S. Post Office and Courthouse
401 Market Street
Camden, NJ 08101
Phone (856) 361-2300

Mailing Address: 

U.S. Bankruptcy Court,
District of New Jersey
PO Box 2067
Camden, NJ 08101

Deputy-in-Charge Sean Quigley 856-361-2348
Assistant Deputy-in-Charge Margie McGettigan 856-361-2342
Case Management Supervisor Darlene Fitzgerald 856-361-2349
Courtroom Services Supervisor Chris Fowler 856-361-2315
Judge Jerrold N. Poslusny, Jr. Kathleen Ryan - Courtroom Deputy 856-361-2358
Catherine McAuley - Court Recorder 856-361-2354
Judge Andrew B. Altenburg, Jr. Heather Renye - Courtroom Deputy 856-361-2353
Anthony Sodono - Court Recorder 856-361-2325