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Register of Governmental Units

Register of Federal and State Governmental Unit Addresses


Federal Rule of Bankruptcy Procedure 5003(e) provides for the Clerk of the
United States Bankruptcy Court to maintain a register of mailing addresses
designated by federal and state governmental units as their official mailing
addresses for service of notice.

To be listed in the register, an appropriate agent of the governmental unit must
email the court at and provide a complete
address the unit wishes to appear in the register.

Governmental units may have multiple addresses listed in the register, provided
they include a brief statement explaining the circumstances in which each
address is applicable for service.

The court shall publish a current register annually on each January 2nd, and
may update the register more often as deemed appropriate by the Clerk.


  1. United States Trustee
    The United States Trustee must be served in the district where the case
    is pending pursuant to Fed. R. Bankr. P. 5005(b). The address for
    service in New Jersey is:

    United States Trustee
    One Newark Center, Suite 2100
    1085 Raymond Boulevard
    Newark, New Jersey 07102

  2. Other Federal Agencies
    1. In contested matters and adversary proceedings involving the
      United States (including those involving the Internal Revenue
      Service), in addition to serving the agency as specified below, the
      United States Attorney and Attorney General must also be served
      at the following addresses:

      United States Attorney
      United States Attorney
      Peter Rodino Federal Building
      970 Broad Street, Suite 700
      Newark, New Jersey 07102

      United States Attorney General
      Attorney General
      United States Department of Justice
      Ben Franklin Station
      P.O. Box 683
      Washington, DC 20044

    2. Internal Revenue Service
      1. Correspondence pertaining to bankruptcy cases:

        Internal Revenue Service
        P.O. Box 7346
        Philadelphia, PA 19101-7346
        (replaces P.O. Box 21126; includes correspondence regarding
        prompt determination requests pursuant to 11 U.S.C. § 505(b)(2))

      2. Overnight mail should be directed to:

        Internal Revenue Service
        2970 Market Street
        Mail Stop 5-Q30.133
        Philadelphia, PA 19104-5016

    3. Securities Exchange Commission

      Securities Exchange Commission
      New York Regional Office
      100 Pearl Street, Suite 20-100
      New York, NY 10004-2616

    4. Environmental Protection Agency

      Environmental Protection Agency, Region 2
      290 Broadway, 17th Floor 2
      New York, NY 10007-1866

    5. Social Security Administration

      Social Security Administration
      Office of the General Counsel
      Office of Program Ligitation
      ATTN: Bankruptcy
      6401 Security Boulevard
      Baltimore, MD 21235

    6. U.S. Small Business Administration

      U.S. Small Business Administration (New Jersey District Office)
      ATTN: District Counsel
      Two Gateway Center, Suite 1002
      Newark, NJ 07102

  3. New Jersey Agencies
    1. In contested matters and adversary proceedings involving the State
      of New Jersey, in addition to serving the agency as specified below,
      the New Jersey Attorney General must also be served at the
      following address:
      Office of the Attorney General
      New Jersey Attorney General Office
      Division of Law
      Richard J. Hughes Justice Complex
      25 Market Street, P.O. Box 112
      Trenton, NJ 08625-0112
    2. Division of Taxation

      New Jersey Division of Taxation
      Compliance and Enforcement - Bankruptcy Unit
      3 John Fitch Way, 5th Floor
      P.O. Box 245
      Trenton, NJ 08695-0245

    3. NJ Motor Vehicle Commission

      New Jersey Motor Vehicle Commission
      Administrative Unit
      225 East State Street
      PO Box 136
      Trenton, NJ 08666

    4. New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection

      Department of Environmental Protection
      Office of Record Access
      ATTN: NJDEP Bankruptcy Coordinator
      401 East State St., 6th Floor West
      PO Box 420, Mail Code 401-06Q,
      Trenton, NJ 08625-0420

    5. Department of Health and Senior Services

      Department of Health and Senior Services
      Office of Legal and Regulatory Compliance
      John Fitch Plaza
      P.O. Box 360
      Trenton, NJ 08625-0360

    6. New Jersey Department of Labor

      (1) NJ unemployment and temporary disability claims only:

      New Jersey Department of Labor
      Division of Employer Accounts
      P.O. Box 379
      Trenton, NJ 08625-0379

      (2) NJ unemployment overpayment claims only:

      New Jersey Department of Labor
      Benefit Payment Control
      P.O. Box 951
      Trenton, NJ 08625-0951

      (3) NJ uninsured Employer’s Fund claims only:

      New Jersey Department of Labor
      Office of Special Compensation Funds ( OSCF )
      P.O. Box 399
      Trenton, NJ 08625-0399

    7. New Jersey Department of Human Services

      Includes NJ claims for the following Divisions: Medical Assistance
      and Health Services; Mental Health Services; Developmental
      Disabilities; Addiction Services; Family Development.

      New Jersey Department of Human Services
      Office of Legal and Regulatory Affairs
      222 South Warren Street
      P.O. Box 700
      Trenton, NJ 08625-0700



Pursuant to 11 USC §505(b), the Michigan Department of Treasury has designated a separate address for service of Requests for Determination of Tax Liability.  This address is to be used only for the service of requests for prompt determination of tax liability and not for service of general matters.

Michigan Department of Treasury
Michigan Department of Treasury, Tax Policy Division
ATTN:  Litigation Liaison
2nd Floor, Austin Building
430 West Allegan Street
Lansing, Michigan  48922


Pursuant to 11 U.S.C. §505(b) and Federal Rule of Bankruptcy Procedure 5003(e), the State of Tennessee makes the following designation of mailing addresses for service of requests for determination of tax liability, and for all other service and notices.

Bankruptcy Code Section 505 Requests:
Tennessee Department of Revenue
c/o Tennessee Attorney General's Office
Bankruptcy Division
P.O. Box 20207
Nashville, TN 37202-0207

All Other Service and Notices:
(Name of Agency)
c/o Tennessee Attorney General's Office
Bankruptcy Division
P.O. Box 20207
Nashville, TN 37202-0207