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Notice to the Bar and Public Regarding Expiration of Amended General Order Dated December 29, 2021 (Effective April 1, 2022)

Thursday, March 31, 2022

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(Effective April 1, 2022)
U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the District of New Jersey


Please be advised that the Court’s current Amended General Order pertaining to Court operations
during COVID-19 is set to expire on March 31, 2022.1 For purposes of clarity, the bar and public are
advised that the following practices will remain in effect or become effective on April 1, 2022:

  • Judges will continue to have full discretion in determining the need for conducting in-person trials or hearings. For guidance on individual cases, parties are directed to contact the presiding judge’s chambers and review the relevant judicial preferences located in the “Judges’ Info” tab on the Court’s website.
  • With limited exceptions, all § 341(a) meetings of creditors will continue to be conducted telephonically.2
  • Until further notice, Chapter 13 matters will continue to be conducted telephonically. For matters such as evidentiary or plenary hearings, parties are directed to contact the presiding judge’s chambers for guidance on individual cases.
  • Exceptions to any service requirements and/or original signature retention requirements set forth in the Amended Order will expire on March 31, 2022. Effective April 1, 2022, parties should be guided by the federal and local bankruptcy rule requirements for proper service.
  • For matters heard during operation of the Court’s Amended General Order(s), the Court implemented revisions to local form (i) Order Regarding Application for Expedited Consideration of First Day Matters and (ii) Order Shortening Time Period for Notice, Setting Hearing and Limiting Notice. Effective April 1, 2022, the revised form orders will no longer be available on the Court’s website.Parties are directed to utilize the prior version of those forms which can be found here:
    • Order Regarding Application for Expedited Consideration of First Day Matters
    • Order Shortening Time Period for Notice, Setting Hearing and Limiting Notice


                        Dated: March 31, 2022                          Jeanne A. Naughton, Clerk