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Important Notice to the Bar and Public Concerning Local Rule Changes Due to December 1, 2019 Amendments to the Federal Rules of Bankruptcy Procedure

Thursday, November 21, 2019

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Important Notice to the Bar and Public
Concerning Local Rule Changes Due to
December 1, 2019 Amendments to the
Federal Rules of Bankruptcy Procedure




The bar and public are advised that, pursuant to forthcoming amendments to the Federal Rules of Bankruptcy Procedure effective December 1, 2019, the following Local Rules of the U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the District of New Jersey have been revised, as of December 1, 2019, pending formal amendment of the Rules under the Court’s Annual Local Rule Making Cycle.

D.N.J. LBR 3011-1. Unclaimed Funds in a Chapter 7, 12, or 13 Case

This rule is amended to conform with the adoption of Director’s Form 1340 Application for Payment of Unclaimed Funds by the Judicial Conference of the United States, which has been converted to mandatory Local Form Application for Payment of Unclaimed Funds.

D.N.J. LBR 5005-1. Filing and Service of a Document

This rule is amended to account for modifications to Federal Rule of Bankruptcy Procedure 9036 relating to electronic service requirements.

D.N.J. LBR 6007-1. Abandonment

This rule is amended to conform with Federal Rule of Bankruptcy Procedure 6007(b) to account for additional service requirements on a motion brought by a party in interest.

D.N.J. LBR 9013-2. Motions: Filing and Service; Hearing Date

This rule is amended to account for modifications to Federal Rule of Bankruptcy Procedure 9036 relating to electronic service requirements.

D.N.J. LBR 9037-1. Privacy Protection for Transcripts (revised title)

This rule is amended to conform with Federal Rule of Bankruptcy Procedure 9037, which requires a motion for redacting information from a previously filed document. Local Forms Application Requesting Redaction of Personal Information and Order Directing Redaction of Personal Information are no longer applicable. The procedures for redacting information from a filed transcript remain unchanged.

                                 Date: November 21, 2019                                                                           Jeanne A. Naughton, Clerk



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