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Important Information for the Public Concerning the ABI Bankruptcy Pro Bono Resource Locator

Thursday, October 22, 2009


Important Information for the Public Concerning the ABI Bankruptcy Pro Bono Resource Locator

ABI has recently launched the Bankruptcy Pro Bono Resource Locator at the website, ABIWorld ( This resource is intended to help debt-strapped consumers find the most convenient provider of bankruptcy pro bono services. Developed by the Institute for Financial Literacy (with funding from the ABI Endowment) and with the significant contributions from the American Bar Association.s National Pro Bono Project, the website lists more than 600 providers nationally. By clicking on a state within the interactive national map, the user will be led to the name, location and essential details for all bankruptcy pro bono providers near them, including any critical limitations on the services provided. Websites for pro bono providers are also linked where available. The service will be updated periodically.

Also provided is a link to a flyer for this resource. The ABI will be providing hard copies of this material which will be made available at the Clerk's Office in each vicinage.

ABI Pro Bono Resource Locator Flyer