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2021 Honorable William H. Gindin Bench Bar Conference

Thursday, March 25, 2021

2021 Honorable William H. Gindin Bench Bar Conference
Friday, April 23, 2021
9:00 am – 3:30 pm
This exciting, all-day virtual conference will feature a series of educational programs led by New Jersey Bankruptcy Judges and practitioners. The Program Includes:
Plenary Session with the New Jersey Federal Bench
Judge Michael A. Chagares
Judge Brian R. Martinotti
Chief Judge Michael B. Kaplan
Moderator: Michael D. Sirota
AM Breakout Sessions - Choose from the following topics:
Subchapter V
Ins and Outs of Confirming a Chapter 11 Plan
Recent Bankruptcy Case Decisions
Mortgage Forbearance Agreements
PM Breakout Sessions – Choose from the following topics:
The Changing Supreme Court
Hot Topics in Chapter 13
COVID-19 Defenses to Litigation
Chapter 11 – Landlord/Tennant Discussion
Plenary Session Judges Roundtable: View from the New Jersey Bankruptcy Bench
Speakers Include: Hon. Michael A. Chagares, Hon. Brian R. Martinotti, Chief Judge Michael B. Kaplan, Hon. Andrew B. Altenburg, Jr., Hon. Kathryn C. Ferguson, Hon. Rosemary Gambardella, Hon. Christine M. Gravelle, Hon. Stacey L. Meisel, Hon. Vincent F. Papalia, Hon. Jerrold N. Poslusny, Hon. John K. Sherwood and practitioners.
A full list of speakers and details about each session is included in the program.
AFBNJ Members (2021 - 2022 dues paid) - $99
Non-members - $125
Public Sector Employees/Lawyers Practicing 5 years or less and Paralegals - $50
Federal Judges, Law Clerks and Members of the Clerks Office - Free



6.0 NJ MCLE credits have been requested toward NJ/PA including 1.0 ethics credit and 5.0 CLE credits have been approved toward PA including 1.0 ethics credit. In order to receive proper credit, each attendee is required to complete and submit a CLE Affirmation Form after the program, including filling in the codes provided during the program.



The Association of the Federal Bar of New Jersey
Post Office Box 285
Caldwell, NJ 07006-0285
Phone: (973) 327-7505
Follow Us On Twitter: #AFBNJ