Newark, N.J. 07102
Courtroom 3A
Pursuant to D.N.J. LBR 9013-2, all motions must be filed and served not later than 21 days before the hearing date. Motions that require the Court to send notice must be scheduled for a minimum of 28 days from the date of filing.
Motions to extend the stay pursuant to 11 U.S.C. § 362(c)(3)(A) must be scheduled to be heard within 30 days of the petition date.
Pursuant to Fed. R. Bankr. P. 3007, objections to claims must be filed and served 30 days prior to the hearing.
You must choose a hearing date that complies with these time requirements. The Court will reschedule improperly listed matters and the participant will receive a Notice of Electronic Filing indicating the correct date. It is the responsibility of the participant to notify all interested parties of the change. Continuous scheduling errors may result in a revocation of the participant’s log-in and password.
Pre-trial dates are assigned by the court and will appear on the Summons when same is issued by the court.
Certain motions, applications and objections do not require a hearing, but the e-filer will still be presented with the Hearing Information screen. You can skip this screen by clicking on the [Next] button. The following events do not require a hearing date to be entered by the e-filer:
- Application and Order to Show Cause
- Application and Order Shortening Time
- Application for Compensation under $1,000.00
- Applications to Employ
- Objections, Responses and Cross-Motions to matters that already have a hearing date
Please refer to the CM/ECF User’s Guide for additional information..
Fee Applications and Final Meetings
Heard at 2:30 PM every 1st and 3rd Tuesday |
Chapter 7 Motions and Objections to Notices of Information Heard at 10:00 AM every Tuesday Chapter 11 Motions Heard at 11:00 AM every Tuesday Order to Show Causes Heard every Tuesday at 10:00 A.M.
Disclosure Statements and Chapter 11 Confirmation Chapter 11 Status Conferences Heard at 11:00 AM every 2nd and 4th Tuesday |
Summary Judgment Motions Motions to Dismiss Adversary Proceedings
Heard at 10:00 AM every 1st and 3rd Wednesday |
Chapter 13 Confirmation and Motions 1. Chapter 13 Confirmations Heard at 8:30 AM every 2nd and 4th Wednesday 2. Chapter 13 Trustee Motions Heard at 10:00 AM every 2nd and 4th Wednesday 3. All other motions in Chapter 13 cases shall be scheduled for 10:00 AM on the following dates.
Pre Trial Conferences scheduled 60 days Heard at 11:30 AM every Tuesday |
1/21/2025 2/4/2025 2/18/2025 3/4/2025 3/18/2025 4/1/2025 4/15/2025 5/6/2025 5/20/2025 6/3/2025 6/17/2025 7/1/2025 7/15/2025 8/5/2025 8/19/2025 |
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