If a debtor has provided for payment of a claim secured by a security interest in the debtor's principal residence in the Plan, the Chapter 13 Trustee must file, within 30 days of the debtor completing all Plan payments, a Notice of Final Cure Payment. The Notice shall be filed on the Court's Form, Notice of Final Cure Payment, and shall state that the debtor has paid in full the amount required to cure any default on a claim secured by the debtor's principal residence.
The Notice shall also inform the holder of the claim of its obligation to file and serve a response to the Notice. If the debtor contends that the final cure payment has been made and all plan payments have been completed, and the Trustee does not timely file and serve the required Notice, the debtor may file and serve it.
For more detailed information regarding the above Notice and related procedures, see the supplemental provisions of the Court's Chapter 13 Plan and Motions.
STEP 1 Choose Bankruptcy from main menu
STEP 2 Choose Misc Events category
STEP 3 Enter case number; click [NEXT]
STEP 4 Confirm case information at top of screen, if correct select Notice of Final Cure Payment from the event list; click [NEXT]
STEP 5 Click [NEXT] to skip the joint filing screen
STEP 6 Select the Party screen displays. Select the trustee from the list of parties; click [NEXT]
STEP 7 Upload the PDF document; click [NEXT]
TIP - After navigating to your file, open it to confirm it is the file you want to upload. To do this, right click on the file name and select open from the pop up menu.
STEP 8 Enter the creditor's name in the Name of Creditor field; click [NEXT]
STEP 9 Confirm case information; click [NEXT]
STEP 10 Docket text appears. Review for accuracy; modify if appropriate; click [NEXT] to submit the transaction.
TIP - Text of docket entry cannot be modified from this screen. If modification is necessary use the [BACK] button on your browser to return to the screen where the error was made. THIS IS THE LAST OPPORTUNITY TO MODIFY INFORMATION.
Notice of Final Cure Payment filed by Test Attorney on behalf of Test Client. (test attorney)
STEP 11 Notice of Electronic Filing displays.