STEP 1 Click on Bankruptcy
STEP 2 Click on Misc. Events
STEP 3 Enter case number; click [NEXT]
STEP 4 Select Final Installment Payment - Ch 7 or Ch 13
STEP 5 If this is a joint filing, place a check in the box and click [NEXT]. If this is not a joint filing, click [NEXT] to skip this screen.
STEP 6 Select the Party or click Add/Create New Party
TIP - If this is the first time you are appearing on behalf of this party, you will be asked to create an association between the attorney and client on the next screen as shown below:
Please be aware that unchecking the association check box will prevent you from receiving Notices of Electronic Filing in this case
STEP 7 Confirm case information; click [NEXT]
STEP 8 Enter the amount of the installment payment in the variable box; click [NEXT]
STEP 9 Confirm case information; click [NEXT]
STEP 10 Docket text displays. Review for accuracy. If modification is necessary, abort the transaction and begin again. Modifications cannot be made on this screen.
Final Installment Payment in the amount of $100 filed by Test Attorney on behalf of Test Client. (test atty)
STEP 11 Notice of Electronic Filing displays.
STEP 12 Select Pay Now or Continue Filing. DO NOT close this window by clicking on the X in the upper right corner.
1. If you select Pay Now, be sure to print for your records the payment confirmation screen which contains a receipt number for this transaction.
2. If you select Continue Filing, please note that it is the court's policy that all fees be paid by the end of the day. Attorneys with outstanding balances will receive an automated e:mail reminder and will be locked out of CM/ECF if the fee remains outstanding for 3 days.