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Chapter 11 Case Closing and Discharge

Under D.N.J. LBR 3022-1, the Clerk shall close a chapter 11 case 180 days after confirmation of the plan. The attached flow chart illustrates the Court’s procedure for closing these cases. It also highlights an individual chapter 11 debtor’s responsibilities prior to discharge, including the documents that must be filed.

NOTE: The Court’s local form, Chapter 11 Debtor’s Certification of Completion of Plan Payments and Notice to Creditors requires notice to creditors and includes an objection period. As a result, a hearing date that is more than 21 days from the date of the Certification must be entered on the form by the debtor’s attorney. Objections must be filed no later than 7 days prior to the hearing date. The debtor’s attorney must serve the form/notice on all creditors and parties in interest and file a Certification of Service.