Calendar Events

STEP 1    Click on the Reports hyperlink on the CM/ECF Main Menu.

STEP 2    Click on the Calendar Events hyperlink.

STEP 3    The following fields are available for selecting/entering criteria for generating the Calendar Events Report:

  • Case Number - Type a specific case number (in the format year-number, i.e. xx-xxxxx for 02-23431)
  • Office - Select the appropriate divisional office.  To select more than one office at a time, press the <CTRL> key, then highlight your selections.
  • Calendar Events - Click to select a specific hearing event (i.e. all hearings, confirmation hearings, pre-trial hearings).  To select more than one hearing at a time, press the <CTRL> key, then highlight your selections.
  • Set - Enter a beginning and ending date for the report to display.  Click in the appropriate radio button for the time.  Use both for AM and PM, or just select one.  If searching for a specific time, leave unselected.
  • Time - Type in specific hearing time (include colon).  Place mark in radio button box to select AM or PM.  Leave blank if using the set option above.
  • Sort - Click on the right arrow next to the sort field and select from time or office, time.
  • Judge - Place mark in radio button box to select Hearing Judge, Case Judge, Hearing or Case Judge.

STEP 4    After selecting the criteria, click Run Report to generate the Calendar Events.

STEP 5    To print a report, click on the PRINT button from the browser toolbar.

STEP 6    The report will display a hyperlink of the case number to the docket sheet. In addition, it will provide silver bullets which provide links to related proceedings. (Related Proceedings Report). The silver bullet will be next to the hearing description. To view the documents from the related proceedings report, click on the document number hypertext link.

STEP 7    PACER Service Center Transaction Receipt will appear reflecting number of pages to be billed to PACER Account. Click View Documents to continue.