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Application to Appear Pro Hac Vice

Pursuant to D.N.J. LBR 2090-1, attorneys may seek admission pro hac vice by application on 7 days notice to parties in interest.  

Click here to access the court's local form, Order for Admission Pro Hac Vice.

Click here to access the court's General Order Respecting Amendment of D.N.J. L. Civ. R 101.1(c)(3) Requiring Payment of Each Pro Hac Vice Admission to the Clerk of the District Court, dated December 14, 2005.

Click here to access the court's Notice to the Bar Concerning Admission Pro Hac Vice, dated March 5, 2015.

For instructions on filing an Application to Appear Pro Hac Vice in a bankruptcy case, click here.

STEP 1           Choose Adversary from main menu.

STEP 2           Choose Motions/Applications category

STEP 3           Enter case number; click [NEXT].

STEP 4           Select Appear Pro Hac Vice from drop down list; click [NEXT]

STEP 5           If this is a joint filing, place a check in the box; click [NEXT].   If this is not a joint filing, click [NEXT] to skip this screen

STEP 6           Select party or click [ADD/CREATE NEW PARTY]; click [NEXT]

TIP - If this is the first time you are appearing on behalf of this party, you will be asked to create an association between the attorney and client on the next screen as shown below:

Please be aware that unchecking the association check box will prevent you from receiving Notices of Electronic Filing in this case.

STEP 7           Upload the .pdf document; click [NEXT]

TIP - After Browsing your files, open and review your file to be sure that you are uploading the correct .pdf.  To do this, right click on the file name and select open from the pop up menu.

TIP - Supporting documents and proposed orders are uploaded as ATTACHMENTS to motions/applications.  Click inside the Yes radio button and click [NEXT].  As noted above, please be sure that you are selecting the correct .pdf to upload.  Select a description of your attachment from the Type drop down menu or free text one in the Description variable box.  Click Add to List and repeat this process for each attachment.  When all attachments are uploaded, click [NEXT]

TIP - If you upload the wrong .pdf and you notice the error while still on this screen, highlight the file name and click Remove from List.

STEP 8         Enter the name of the attorney who is appearing Pro Hac Vice; click [NEXT]

TIP - 7 day objection deadline calculates automatically.  Do not change this date.

STEP 9         Confirm case information; click [NEXT]

STEP 10       Docket text displays.  Review for accuracy.  If modification is necessary, abort the transaction and begin again.  Modifications cannot be made on this screen.


Application for Attorney [variable box text] to Appear Pro Hac Vice Filed by Test Attorney on behalf of Test Client.  Objection deadline is (date autocalculates). (test atty)

STEP 11         Notice of Electronic Filing displays.

NOTE: The court will serve a copy of the Order of Admission Pro Hac Vice on the New Jersey Lawyers' Fund for Client Protection.  The applicant has twenty (21) days from the date of entry of this order to deposit the required fee.

1.  Pursuant to the Commentary Supplementing Administrative Procedures at page 9, attorneys admitted pro hac vice cannot obtain a login and password to CM/ECF.