Judge John K. Sherwood -- Opinions signed in 2019
Re: Gallichio Adv. Pro. No. 15-02052 (JKS) , Case 17-27512, 1/9/2019
Decision and order re: US trustee's motion to dismiss case for abuse
Re: Pamela E. Guice (Case No. 18-27443 JKS) 2/28/2019
Re: Rickey Marilyn - Decision and Order re Motion to Impose Automatic Stay - 03/28/2019
Re: Speedwell Ventures v. Berley Assoc. and Pazzo Pazzo, Inc. - 04/24/2019
Decision and Order Re Whether Termination of Berley's Option is a Fraudulent Transfer
Mireskandari - Opinion re Jinsun's Motion for Saty Relief - 5/6/2019
Decision and Order RE: Jinsun, LLC's Motion for Relief From the Automatic Stay
Mitsuwa v. Orama - Opinion on SJ motions - - 6/13/2019
Re: Wong v. Mancinelli (16-1102 JKS) - - 9/19/2019
Decision and Order Regarding Plaintiff’s Motion to Reopen Adversary Proceeding
Re: Sung K. Yang, Case 17-13057 - - 10/30/2019
Decision and Order re Debtor's Motion to Reduce Claims
Re: Bula World Holdings LLC, Case 19-19243 - - 11/08/2019
Decision and Order re Objection to Confirmation
Eckert - Decision and Order re Motion to Reopen and Enforce ConfIrmation Order - 12/11/2019
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