Honorable Michael B. Kaplan, Chief Judge


Zoom Link for Judge Kaplan's Remote Hearings



*Please be advised that Judge Kaplan conducts many of his hearings via Zoom.  Please see instructions and Zoom link below and contact Chambers before making an in-person appearance.*


LTL Management, LLC

This bankruptcy case has been dismissed; therefore, the Court's webpage devoted to this case is no longer required

BlockFi Inc. Case Information and Protocols


Rite Aid Case Information and Protocols



United States Bankruptcy Judge for the District of New Jersey

Staff Information

Wendy Quiles | Courtroom Deputy - (609) 858-9397

Kiya Martin | ECRO/Case Administrator - (609) 858-9355

Rebecca A. Earl | Career Law Clerk

Juliana Diamond | Law Clerk

Cisse Diawara | Law Clerk

Dana Muccie | Judicial Assistant

402 East State Street
Trenton, N.J. 08608
Courtroom #8

Chambers e-mail: chambers_of_mbk@njb.uscourts.gov

Chambers phone number: (609) 858-9360

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