Upload a Creditor Matrix File

Pursuant to Fed.R.Bankr.P. 1007(a)(1) the debtor must file, with his petition, a list of creditors.  This list contains the names and addresses of each of the debtor's creditors.  When a List of Creditors is filed electronically via CM/ECF, the file containing the List must be in .txt format. For more information regarding the submission of a List of Creditors see the Specifications For Submitting Scheduled Creditors and Report of Distributions Under Confirmed Chapter 11 Plan.

STEP 1            Select Bankruptcy

STEP 2            Select Creditor Maintenance

STEP 3            Select Upload a Creditor Matrix File

STEP 4            Enter the case number; click [NEXT]

STEP 5            Upload a Creditor Matrix File

1. Click [BROWSE] to upload the .txt document, (ensure that All Files [.txt] appears in the "Files of Type" field); click [NEXT]

2. Confirm the number of creditors; click [Submit]