Electronic Filing is Mandatory in the District of New Jersey
Frequency Asked Questions (FAQ)
    What is a Chapter 13 bankruptcy?
    What does the debtor need to do before filing for bankruptcy?
    Who is eligible to file a Chapter 13 case?
    Where should the petition be filed?
    What is the fee to file a Chapter 13 petition?
    What forms must be filed?
    How many copies of all forms must be filed?
    How should the forms be completed?
    What if the debtor must file immediately?
    What happens if all of the required forms are not filed at the time of filing the petition?
    How should deficient schedules be efiled?
    What happens after all required documents are filed?
    What is the First Meeting of Creditors and how should the debtor prepare for the meeting?
    What is the Chapter 13 Plan?
    After filing, what happens to creditors collection activities against the debtor?
    How are schedules amended after they are filed?
    What are the debtors responsibilities while the Chapter 13 case is open?
    When do creditors file claims against the debtor?
    What is a discharge and how does the debtor receive the discharge?
    What is the Personal Financial Management Course (Debtor Education)?
    Where is additional information about Chapter 13 located?
Other Important Things to Know